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Article: Disney Off Ice - Observatory Theatre


The rumours are true...He's back! From the makers of big, bold and ambitious productions Observatory Theatre comes the highly anticipated Disney Off Ice, an absurd lampoon that imagines the infamous urban legend of Walt Disney's cryonic freezing.

After decades frozen in the cryonic tank, Disney is feeling refreshed and ready to make his mark in the new world. But times have changed. The theme parks are gone. And it’s not such a small world after all. Now, he finds himself the property of a media conglomerate and at the heel of a strict publicist determined to set him straight. Welcome to the future, Disney!

"The show is a rollercoaster ride through a hyper-futuristic world" says director Lachlan Driscoll (Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Turquoise Elephant). Written by Oliver Gough (Playlab Theatre Incubator, La Boite Assembly), the show promises to be a fast paced, hilarious and startling time. "The fascinating figure of Uncle Walt and the legacy that he left brings forth a number of ideas that are urgent in our current times," Driscoll says, "The meaning of happiness and success today, the cost of living, and our pursuit for connection in a disconnected world."

Disney Off Ice was commissioned by Observatory Theatre through the Telescope New Writing initiative, which supports writers to explore "pie in the sky" ideas and to write stories that they may have been putting off or not encouraged to create yet. "Oliver has created magic with Disney Off Ice," says Driscoll, "It really is unlike anything I have read or seen on stage before."

Disney Off Ice plays a limited season this August 16 to September 1 at Studio1 in Yeerongpilly. Don't miss out, BOOK NOW!


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